Friday, March 28, 2014

Consumers hitting YouTube in the offseason

A hunter’s winter and early spring months often know the late as the offseason no many season are open for hunting and fishing isn’t very good yet.  So what do the hunters, fisherman/women, and outdoors people do to satisfy their urges of hunting and fishing.  Like any athlete would in the offseason they also prepare for the hunting seasons and one common way is to brush up on their skills.  YouTube offers thousand of informative videos on such as how to properly use hunting calls or different fishing strategies.  Outdoorsmen and women can pick up new tricks from these FREE videos that beat the alternative of buying the same informational DVDs from sporting good stores.  YouTube can also be used to preview and evaluate products that you may be thinking about purchasing for the next hunting season.  I have used YouTube in the past to get new ideas for making my coyote hunts more successful. 
This free knowledge beats buying a coyote hunting DVD or book and is faster than searching magazines. 

I also used this technique when deciding on a grunt call that I wanted to buy, and after finding the grunt call I found an information video on how to properly use the call. 

Companies can also use YouTube to advertise the features and success that their product offers.  In the link above the company Illusion Systems has a YouTube page where they take advantage of the free video service, which is very, beneficial to the customer as well as the company as if enough people become subscribers they could actually make money.  Companies using YouTube is an excellent example of a Win-Win situation for the company and the consumer.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sunny Slope Outfitting Update

Sunny Slope Outfitting has recently created a website to give our customers a better insight to what we try to provide our customers.  This website gives a great overview of all the services that we offer and the successes we have had with previous customers.  While developing this website we went with a rugged outdoors look to try to entice the viewers to browse the website once they have opened the website.  The website contains information on three different species that we offer hunts for, Deer, Turkey, Coyotes.  For more information you can click on the links of each species.

Having a website allows Sunny Slope Outfitting to appeal to a whole new market.  Facebook, twitter, and other social media can be utilized by having a website by sharing information on the website.  Advertising via social media will be very cost efficient for the company as well as user friendly.  Advertising online is very user friendly as the customer is only a click away from more information on the business.